What Makes a Nichols Fleet Truck

We truly feel we have the best installation technicians in our industry. Our skilled and educated techs see the big picture—they know where each truck is going and what it’s going to do, and they work in tandem with our sales team to make sure our customers get the best truck for their unique applications.

Pride in Our Work
We think our installations are unrivaled in our industry and everyone at NFE takes great pride in the work we do. A handy reference tag in every truck we build tells the end user not only important unit information but also shows them the NFE technicians who built their truck.

The details matter, especially the ones you can’t see. We take steps to protect every wire and hose we install during a new truck build. That’s how we’d want our own trucks built, so that’s how we build them for our customers.

Built Your Way
We work with each client to customize their truck to their liking. We’ve come up with countless custom solutions over 25 years in the industry, and we can work with you to design the perfect truck for your specific industry and needs.

Built with the End User in Mind
We are always trying to think down the road to the jobsites where our trucks end up. When our end users get their trucks, we want them to be ready to work with no additional setup required and no questions asked—ready for the job on Day 1.

Time is Money
We know the trucks we build at NFE are revenue-producing machines and are only producing while they’re running. Small, time-saving features like adding battery lugs to the outside of a battery box mean a technician can jump off faster and get a machine back on the job quicker. It's just one of the many cost and time-saving solutions we make standard.
Specializing In
On the Blog
David Completes 2019 Trailblaze Challenge